Working with Tables in VimWiki

1 minute read

VimWiki provides a bunch of commands for quickly and easily working with tables.

In insert mode, you can navigate a table with <CR> and <Tab>:

Command Description
<CR> Go to the table cell beneath the current one, create a new row if on the last one.
<Tab> Go to the next table cell, create a new row if on the last cell.

If you’re on the last row of a table, and you hit <CR> to go to the next cell, a new row will automatically be created for you.

Editing Tables

The outside and inside selection commands (a and i) all work as expected. So if you wanted to change the contents of a table cell, you could do so with ci\ where c is for change, i is for inside, and \ is for the current table cell.

Command Target
\ Cell of a table
c Column of a table

So if ci\ will change the contents of a cell, cic will change the contents of a column.

Similarly, you can move columns around using your arrow keys and the <A> (option) key:

Command Description
<A-Left> Move the current column to the left.
<A-Right> Move the current column to the right.

Meta Data

Source: _inbox/VimWiki Help Pages|VimWiki Help Pages

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